Attorney Answering
Land more leads with a live person taking your messages and introducing your callers
If there is not a live person answering your phone, those leads will call the next attorney on the list. You can’t always be available, but your callers will always reach a live person who understands your business and can notify you of new calls coming in. If you cannot take the call immediately, there is someone who can take a complete message.
If we are unable to reach you by phone to announce and transfer the call we will contact you via email, voicemail, text, or fax. You will know who called, when they called, the nature of the call, and how to get back to them. Every call, every time.
Our Clients Say It Best…
“By having our calls announced I can determine if they need my immediate attention or if a message can be taken. Most importantly, our office never loses calls from potential new clients. That is critical for us.”
— Kerry Davis, Davis Law Firm, Personal Injury Law (client for 9 years)
“Working with Front Office Staff has given me complete freedom and flexibility in my day. I stay more organized and on track with important cases and still have time to attend to personal and family matters. The quality of their receptionists is excellent and they maintain the professionalism that I want to convey to all of my callers.”
— Nancy King, Nancy King Law, Criminal Defense Law (client for 10 years)